Monday, February 9, 2009

Flickr mashups

I had fun playing with the Badge Maker.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I'm fairly familiar with photo-sharing sites; I've been using photobucket for a couple of years now and our wedding pictures were hosted on ofoto. Flickr is somewhat new to me though, and so far I've really enjoyed poking around on it and perusing the numerous features offered.

The above is a picture from The Flickr Commons (the collection of public domain photos, mostly from libraries and universities). This photo is from the New York Public Library and is of Nagoya Castle, in Nagoya, Japan, where I grew up. Nagoya is a big city, the third largest in Japan with about the population of Chicago. Nagoya Castle was bombed to the ground in WWII, but was rebuilt and now has amenities like elevators and air conditioning. I don't know if it's the angle of this photo or what, but the castle looks deceptively small; it's actually quite large. The information on the Commons says this picture is circa 1890, which means obviously it's the original building. Pretty cool.