Wednesday, March 25, 2009

#11 LibraryThing

I think LibraryThing is quite useful, and I've actually recommended it to customers looking for ways to keep track of what they've read. However I've failed to keep up with my own account there. If you want to friend me, my username's g00dnightm00n (zeros for o's).

#10 Image Generators

I played a bit with the image generators on :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Thing #8 & 9: RSS

I love using RSS feeds, I've got one set up on my Yahoo page and it's so convenient. While there is something to be said for viewing certain sites in their entirety, I definitely end up following updates more closely with an RSS feed. And like someone else posted on their blog (Sonia, maybe?) I now notice the little orange square everywhere.

Since I was already familiar with and using RSS feeds, the search function on Bloglines doesn't seem too relevant for me (I'm already subscribed to pretty much everything I want to be!). I did however find some interesting sites by looking at the most popular feeds, including a library-related one. Pretty cool.

Thing #7-- Playing mad catch-up

Hmmm... blog about anything technological....

Okey dokey, I suppose one of my favorite things to do online is share music with friends (legally, of course!). I have lots of friends & family who are musicians and it's so awesome to be able to hear their new stuff instantly. Also my little brother and his girlfriend are really into making goofy videos and putting them on YouTube, and it's fun to keep up with them that way even though they live in Oklahoma.

Here's one of their vids ("Batgirl and Spiderman"; 500,000+ views, holy cow!). The embed function isn't working right now (routine site maintenance), so click to see: